Our eight-year-old daughter finds it difficult to switch off at night. Its like all the day suddenly overwhelms her and she tries to process it. As a result, she isn’t getting enough sleep. Can you give us some advice please?

This blog is an extract from our ebook Practical Sleep Tips For Parents of Overwhelmed 8 Year Olds” which can be adapted and tailored to suit all ages and not just children! It contains lots of  signposting and support, including a sleepy visualisation, yoga ideas, music to soothe you to sleep, how to journal at bedtime and more. To order a copy for £3.50, please message us here.

In 2018, the Guardian reported an increase in the number of under 16s referred to hospitals for sleep disorders, 9,439 versus 6,250 in 2013.

Healthy sleep hygiene repairs restores and renews mind and body. Any child in this state is more likely to have settled behaviour, good focus plus mental and physical health.

Are you aware of the typical milestones for your 8 year old socially, physically, emotionally, academically?

What changes are you noticing? These will all be influencing your child’s state of mind and sleep patterns. This guide below explores more these 8-year-old milestones:

“We know that early child development has profound influences on health and wellbeing across the life course. It follows that disruptions to sleep, especially if they occur at key times in development, could have important lifelong impacts on health.” Professor Yvonne Kelly, from University College London’s department of UCL Epidemiology & Public Health~

The most common issues that interfere with good sleep hygiene in children are:

• not getting into bed
• not settling into sleep
• not staying in their own bed
• waking up at night
• getting up in the morning
• and/or not getting enough sleep

via Sleep Foundation au 


A routine before bedtime is key to the success for many children to falling asleep at their age appropriate hour.

Most families with well rested 8 year olds allow at least 1 hour for a quiet bedtime wind down.

Click on this link for 8 Mind Mapped Sleep Routine Ideas, adapt to suit your family. It also contains a link which overwhelmed parents will enjoy via our friend Phil at Radical Relaxation, apply jirr50 to receive a 90% discount.


At bedtime, an overwhelmed child may respond well to a soothing lavender bath, cup of warm camomile tea and hot water bottle.

However, it is more likely they will feel calmer and more relaxed with adult conversation, connection and even a cuddle.

In most cases, spending just 10 minutes doing something gentle and quiet with your child  will greatly reduce the busyness of an overwhelming day and soothe their bedtime worries.

Simply sit alongside them and let them guide you in the activity. Avoid asking questions, just be present and peaceful.


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Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

By Jane Tyson

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